Sunday 14 January 2018

32.5 months

Hello Blog,

It's been a while (more than a while, I know)!

So what's up with the title above? What's 32.5 months?

Well today is the day I attended my last yoga class at my current studio so I thought it deserves a blog post of its own.

I (re)started my yoga journey on that fateful day of 29 April 2015, the day something else was supposed to happen, but yoga happened instead. I'd always remember that date because it was well and truly the end of one major chapter of my book. Til this day, I still believe that yoga saved me. Or maybe distracted me. Either way, I recovered a lot faster than I had thought I would.

The last 32.5 months was quite a ride, from a career/yoga/life perspective. Sprained my ankle multiple times, pulled a hamstring, sustained countless bruises (well that sounded like a whole lot of physical injuries!) but also did my 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, traveled to new places, bungee jumped/skydived/dived and most importantly, found the drive and passion to keep doing what I'm doing.

I have been very blessed in period, more so than I have been given thanks for.

For everyone who has crossed my path in this 32.5 months journey, Namaste.

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